Abstracts and Proceedings

Participants  willing to present a seminar or a poster are kindly asked to submit a short abstract using a given template (download template ), not later than  May 22, 2022. Please submit your abstract through the registration form.

Received abstracts  will be reviewed and  selected for  a seminar or a poster presentation.

Authors of seminars and posters will be notified of their abstract acceptance by email after June  19, 2022. Seminar length will be limited to 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for discussion). Authors of the  posters are expected to present and discuss their work at the poster session.

Abstracts for Invited talks are also expected to be uploaded at the lecturers earliest convenience, but no later than July 24,  2022 July 20,  2022.

Abstracts of all the contributed papers, including invited lectures, seminars and posters  will be published in a Book of Abstracts which will be distributed among the conference participants.

Abstracts must not exceed one page.

Invited talks, contributed seminars and few best posters will be a subject of a referee review and will be published in Spring 2023.

Articles will appear in Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. Submission deadline is 30.11.2022.


Updated: 27th October 2024